
Golden Vanity

17th Century Maritime Ballad


Oh there was a lofty ship and she sailed on the sea
And the name of that ship it was the Golden Vanity
And she feared she would be taken by the Turkish Enemy

As she sailed on the lowland, lowland low
As she sailed on the lowland sea

Up leapt the cabin boy, the age of twelve and three
And he said to the Captain what will you give to me
If I swim alongside of the Turkish Enemy (Chorus)

Oh I will give you silver and I will give you gold
And the hand of my daughter if you will be so bold
As to swim alongside of the Turkish Enemy (Chorus)

So up jumped the Cabin Boy and overboard dove he
And he swam alongside of the Turkish Enemy
And with his little drilling tool he boar-ed in holes three (Chorus)

Well about turns the Cabin Boy and back again swam he
And he hollered to the Captain to pull him from the sea
But the Captain would not heed, for his daughter he did need (Chorus)

Well the crew they pulled him out, but upon the deck he died
And they wrapped him in his blanket so very soft and wide
And they threw him overboard to drift along the tide (Chorus)

Oh there is a lofty ship and she sails on the sea
And she sails without her Cabin Boy, the age of twelve and three
And she fears she will be taken by the Turkish Enemy (Chorus)


image of album cover for Bounding Main Lost at Sea - click for more info about the album

Song Notes

One of many songs about The Captain’s Daughter.