Bounding Main Discography
This is a discography of all CDs on which Bounding Main songs have appeared, including their own albums, festival compilations, musical compilations and guest appearances on other musical artist’s albums.

Festival du Chant de Marin Gouel Kan Ar Vartoloded (2019)
Produced by Coop Breizh
This was the official souvenir CD for the maritime music festival in Paimpol, Brittany, France for 2019. Bounding Main’s song, Sugar in the Hold was featured.

Falmouth International Sea Shanty Festival 2017 CD
Falmouth International Sea Shanty Festival
This is the official souvenir CD for the 2017 maritime music festival in Falmouth, Cornwall, UK. Bounding Main’s song, “Sugar in the Hold” was featured in this collection.
Fish Out of Water
Bounding Main
This is Bounding Main’s fifth official release; it features one original song by Bounding Main members and two songs recorded in collaboration with our favorite pirate-themed music group, The Jolly Rogers.

Beg, Borrow and Steal
Produced by The Jolly Rogers
Bounding Main performed together with The Jolly Rogers on two songs on this CD: Away Rio and Tow Rope Girls.

“Bie Daip” Appingedam 10 jaar International Shanty Festival
Produced by the Bie Daip International Shanty Festival
This is the official souvenir CD for the 2011 event. Bounding Main’s song “Dogger Bank” is featured in this collection.

Kraken Up
Bounding Main
This is Bounding Main’s fourth official release; it features three original songs by Bounding Main members.

The Jolly Rogers
Bounding Main performed along with the Jolly Rogers for the song, The Day of the Clipper, on this album.

Goin’ Back Home Vol. 3
Various Artists, Ed. Quickstar Productions
This is a compilation of songs by independent “Americana” groups, though it is sometimes erroneously categorized as “bluegrass” or “country.”
Bounding Main’s song Blow Liza Blow is featured in this collection.
Please note that this publisher has gone out of business circa 9/2010. If you have a copy of this CD it is now a collector’s item!

Operation Share the Shanties
Bounding Main
This is a “best of” CD assembled as a gift for the military personnel that Bounding Main visited in their 2008 Germany Tour. Included in this is the only release of their recording of The Star Spangled Banner. This CD had a limited run specifically for issue to military personnel and is not available to the general public.

Lafitte’s Return Vol. 4
Various Artists, Ed. Bob Brinkman
These pirate-themed collections were released to help raise money to purchase instruments for the New Orleans’ school system, critically underfunded after hurricane Katrina struck the city. The project is organized by Pirates for the Preservation of New Orleans’ Music.
Bounding Main’s song Blow Liza Blow is featured in this collection.

Lafitte’s Return Vol. 3
Various Artists, Ed. Bob Brinkman
These pirate-themed collections were released to help raise money to purchase instruments for the New Orleans’ school system, critically underfunded after hurricane Katrina struck the city. The project is organized by Pirates for the Preservation of New Orleans’ Music.
Bounding Main’s song Derelict is featured in this collection.

Happy Birthday Mark Hepler
Bounding Main
This was a special project CD that was produced for a single sponsor in the Deport Bounding Main campaign. There was a frivolous prize of a custom CD offered for anyone donating $1000 to the 2008 Germany Tour fund. It was a surprise and delight when Erika Hepler donated the amount to obtain a custom Bounding Main CD for her husband’s 40th birthday.

Lafitte’s Return Vol. 2
Various Artists, Ed. Bob Brinkman
These pirate-themed collections were released to help raise money to purchase instruments for the New Orleans’ school system, critically underfunded after hurricane Katrina struck the city. The project was organized by Pirates for the Preservation of New Orleans’ Music.
Bounding Main’s song High Barbaree is featured in this collection.

Renaissance Festival Podcast
Various Artists, Ed. Marc Gunn
The Renaissance Festival Podcast is a bi-monthly podcast music and entertainment from Renaissance festivals with Celtic music, Irish folk music, Scottish bagpipes, English folk, Gypsy music, Renaissance music, and comedy from groups performing this week at a faire near you. This compilation is designed to help promote the Podcast and a few of the great entertainers who frequent the show. It’s a lot like an episode of the podcast without all the talking.
Bounding Main’s song High Barbaree is featured in this collection.

Going Overboard
Bounding Main
This is Bounding Main’s third official release; it features three live tracks.

Lost at Sea
Bounding Main
This is Bounding main’s second official release; it features two songs with environmental sounds.

Maiden Voyage
Bounding Main
This is Bounding Main’s first official release; it features the instrumental accompaniment of Heather Lewin and David HB Drake.

Casting Off
Bounding Main
This was Bounding Main’s hasty first foray into the recording studio. After the last copy was auctioned off at their fifth anniversary party this CD is now officially retired.